Five ways to use Saffron

Norfolk Saffron producer Sally Francis reveals her top tips, tricks and recipes for making the most of the flower.

Reblog from: The Telegraph ♦  By: Sally Francis

Never throw saffron threads whole into your cooking. To get the most from your it, crumble the required number of threads into a small container, or ideally grind them in a pestle & mortar. How fine you grind saffron is up to you. Saffron is known as the sunshine spice, and the finer the saffron, the more uniformly yellow the food will be. Coarsely grinding or simply crumbling it into pieces 1-3mm long looks great in pilaus as it gives a yellow background colour with hotspots of rich orangey-red. Continue reading Five ways to use Saffron

Why we pay any price for a good cup of coffee


  By: Fernando Ceballos <||> What is the appeal of the coffee shop? What makes people go to coffee shops every day? Why do people pay the outrageous amounts of money for a cup coffee they can just as well make at home?

Simply enough, it’s because people just love coffee! They love the taste and the smell of the hot liquid craved by so many. It’s that “eye-opening” sensation you get from that first cup of coffee of the day. Of course, everyone has a favorite so the tastes and smells of the coffees and blends will vary from person to person. But from the first sip to the last, people love coffee. Some might argue that it’s the stimulating affect of the caffeine of the coffee bean that keeps them coming back again and again; however, those who drink decaf still can’t seem to get enough either! Continue reading Why we pay any price for a good cup of coffee